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Reinhold Beckmann
Salzstr. 35
48143 Münster
+49-(0) 171-1915450
Democrats and Republicans join forces against Googles, Amazon & Co.
Shout-outThe story around the American Innovation and Choice Online Act If you follow the political development in the USA in recent years, you can see a deep split in the political landscape between the Republicans on the one and the Democrats on the other hand. It seems almost impossible to imagine how these two parties, […]
Staff Development – The New Way
Shout-outThe innovative new concept of Time-2-Explore GmbH for professional staff development In times of rapid digitalization of work processes at all levels of a company, it is of existential importance to ensure the competitiveness and therefore the economic survival of a company that its most valuable resources – the employees – are familiar with the […]
What’s next for the whistleblower law?
Shout-outCDU/CSU and SPD argue about implementation of EU directive At least since Edward Snowden’s spectacular revelations about the NSA’s spying practices, everyone knows what a whistleblower is. Whistleblower usually accept a very high personal risk and repressions in order to point out significant abuses and violations of rights within their field of activity to make […]
Data octopuses on the iPhone and iPad: These apps help themselves the most!
Shout-outIn a recent study, the privacy experts at pCloud examined the so-called privacy labels in the App Store to identify the apps that process the most user data. The object of the investigation was not only to find out which apps use information for their own internal purposes, but also those that share their information […]
The Diem Project – a new currency from Facebook for the Internet.
Shout-outWhat does that actually mean and what is it all about? The Diem Association, formerly Libra, co-founded by Facebook, is pursuing the mission of developing an Internet of money. A global currency and financial infrastructure for billions of people. The European Central Bank and the Bank of China are also looking at introducing a digital […]
Transparency register for lobbying in EU institutions
Shout-outAn important step towards increasing trust in political decisions Since the end of 2020, there has been an agreement to introduce a mandatory transparency register for the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the European Commission. This agreement goes back to a Proposal the Commission had already submitted in 2016. On December 15, […]
Employee monitoring: An increasing nuisance with the use of products from American IT corporations
Shout-outExcessive monitoring and performance checks of employees due to the use of products from U.S. IT corporations are increasingly leading to unlawful restrictions on employee rights and violations of applicable data protection regulations in Germany as well. While Microsoft responded early to concerns about questionable functions in Office 365, authorities objected to Amazon’s use of […]
Essentials and remarks on the Report on the impact of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and robotics
Shout-outThis report was published together with the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence – a European concept for excellence and trust – by the EU Commission on 19.2.2020. This report analyses the relevant current legal framework in the EU. It examines where there are uncertainties regarding the application of this legal framework due to the specific […]
The new “Digital Services Act” of the EU. What is in store for us there?
Shout-outOn December 9, 2020, the EU Commission intends to announce a series of new planned competition and antitrust regulations to improve the control of technology groups, particularly the major Internet platforms. In a report published on November 19, 2020, the EU Court of Auditors also urges the improvement of corresponding EU regulations. In particular, the […]
Penalty for Facebook by German Federal Cartel Office
Shout-outWhat is the reason behind this? In a judgement, the German Federal Supreme Court confirmed the imposition of a fine by the German Federal Cartel Office against Facebook. Although the judgement of the German Federal Supreme Court was issued more than two months ago, I would like to take up the issue again here and […]
The European Court of Justice explains in its recent judgement: Privacy-Shield Agreement – ineffective! What does this mean in practice?
Shout-outIn its latest decision the European Court of Justice declares the Privacy-Shield-Agreement to be ineffective. Essentially, it justifies this on the basis of US security laws, which grant the authorities extensive access to data of EU citizens without significant restrictions and without judicial control being possible. At the same time, the European Court of Justice […]
Donald Trump versus Twitter? And why Mark Zuckerberg interferes.
Shout-outTwitter had gone over to mark fake news and false claims in his published tweets. In doing so, Twitter wanted to make it clear that Twitter was questioning the truth of some content. This was also done to the successful Twitterer Donald J. Trump who has more than 85.5 million followers. He directly saw this […]
What importance does a decision of the German Federal Court of Justice have for me as a citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany?
Shout-outAgain, and again we read or hear: “The ECJ has decided” or “[…] the ECJ has today in its decision strengthened the rights of consumers in the EU” or something similar. The questions that come to mind are in such a case: What legal effect does the decision have for me as a citizen of […]
Is an EU – Directive, which the EU – Parliament has passed, actually binding for me as a citizen of the FRG?
Shout-outIn my seminars on copyright law I have come across this question again and again in the recent months. The occasion was the discussion about the new EU Copyright Directive, which was decided on in the summer of 2019 with a lot of excitement in public. Keywords were upload – filter and direct liability of […]
Job application costs, who actually has to bear them by law?
Shout-outDisclaimer: All of the following Statements are based on the German Law. Over and over again you can see in job advertisements or during the preparation for a job interview that the company advertising the job points out that they unfortunately cannot cover the costs for the job interview. This raises the question: How do […]