Nearly every company now processes data digitally. Data protection has therefore become a top priority. In 2018 the new GDPR was a major issue, especially because all companies worldwide who process personal data of a EU-citizen, have to be compliant with it. A big question mark remained with most companies when the GDPR was introduced. I would be delighted to explain the backgrounds, to clarify the prejudices and to show you how simple the GDPR really is. I will be happy to teach you how you can benefit invaluably from it for your company and stay up to date. The GDPR is constantly developing – so stay on top of it together with me and experience the latest changes. I would be pleased to work on the following fields with you: Stocktaking – Where does the GDPR stand today? What problems have occurred especially for you and your work with the GDPR? Where could we find solutions? Where is still need for action? Where have there been positive effects? What has changed in practice?
Social Media Marketing
Nowadays, no company can be imagined without social media. But there are traps around every corner. In this seminar I would like to take away the fear of these traps, clean up animosities, expose myths and give you an understanding of basic media rights through best practice examples. We will also look at the areas of copyright and image rights so that you can use social media easily and safely. Some examples are:
- Basics of the copyright protection of photos
- Legally compliant posting of photos on the Internet, especially social media
- Legal limits to the expression of opinion on the Internet, e.g. hate speech and defamation on Facebook and Co.
Online Marketing
Image rights, copyright and much more will be discussed in this seminar in terms of online marketing. This course focuses on all aspects of eCommerce, i.e. the legal framework for online shops, such as:
• Imprint
• Privacy policy
• Terms and Conditions and their design possibilities
• Legal issues of cross-border trade on the Internet
• Enforcement and enforcement of claims
• Competition Law
• Domain law
Law in the Internet- Legal Certainty in the Internet
Streaming series, posting other people’s photos, downloading music or sharing links – what am I allowed to do, what is legal and what do I rather not do? On the Internet there are some uncertainties regarding your own rights and obligations. Learn the most important things about personal rights, copyright and data protection in the Internet. You will receive useful tips on how to protect your personal rights and privacy, and the special features of the GDPR will also explained. The course will give you security and show you how to operate in the digital space in conformity with the law, but also where you can claim your rights.
International Software Law
This workshop is designed for IT organizations of all sizes and will cover legal issues of software licensing law and project business that are important for the project managers. We will be covering:
• Typical problems with standardized international license agreements, e.g. IBM, SAP & Oracle
• Illuminating ESCROW agreements
• Continued use of Used – Licenses?
• Creation of software development and project contracts
• Clarifying the rights and obligations in ASP contracts
• Revealing the pitfalls of Hosting and Provider contracts
• Sensible use of international NDA’s and SLA’s
• Easy handling of EVB-IT contract, means PO`s from public administration
• Are OEM contracts and international distribution agreements still relevant in today’s world of subscription?
• Questions of international product liability for software, especially in the area of AI -development